Call of duty black ops moon
Call of duty black ops moon

Watch for the undead astronauts as they run riot, unaffected by the base’s fluctuating gravity and lack of life support.

call of duty black ops moon

  • Whether battling in the lush Biodome or the subterranean shadows of a lunar mine, devious phasing zombies will test your reflexes as they shift in and out of sight.
  • The undead have transformed Area 51 into a No Man’s Land, forcing our fearless heroes to escape to an abandoned top-secret moon base where they will face their ultimate challenge and bring an end to the Zombies menace.
  • call of duty black ops moon

    Old school Zombies strategies get blown out the airlock in “Moon,” where the Call of Duty: Zombies saga comes full circle: Lift off into the latest Zombies epic with “Rezurrection,” the new downloadable content pack for “Call of Duty: Black Ops,” and the first to launch players into space for a new dimension of undead action!

    Call of duty black ops moon